Wednesday, February 11, 2015


You can see the nucleus, the little dot, inside the cell. You can also see the cytoplasm and the cell membrane!

The cells of the body are a great way to start out learning about anatomy. Many scientists thought that cells were very simple! They thought each cell was a block with a dot inside they called the nucleus. The nucleus is located in the middle of a cell. The word nucleus means center or core! A fun project you can do is draw on a piece of paper what we learn, as we learn! To help after you get done drawing, draw a line out from the parts of the cell and label it. Cells come in all different shapes and sizes, so we draw a cell that is oval because it's easier to draw. The outside area of the circle is called the cell membrane. It is a proven fact that the cell membrane is the deciding factor behind choosing what can enter and exit the cell. It is like a wall around a city. There is a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm inside. In the cell membrane, there are a lot of smaller structures called organelles. Each organelle has a job. The organelles float in the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm has nutrients in it. Together they fill the cell.

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